
Deeply mystical, Jah9 has become the feminine icon of a movement based on universal consciousness and an essential artist of the "Reggae Revival" movement. Her philosophy, her spirituality and her "Jazz on Dub" music have spread in Europe and around the world.
Jah9 is also a certified Jamaican yogini trained in Kemetic, Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga methods which has allowed her to travel the world for several years adapting the dancefloors for the practice of her "yoga on dub" sessions.
Yoga on dub session : un éveil spirituel et musical !
Une introspection unique mêlant sonorités Dub et discipline ancestrale au service du bien-être.
🎯 Objectifs :
⊛ Améliorer son rapport au corps
⊛ Maîtriser sa respiration
⊛ Se reconnecter à son moi profond
⊛ Éveiller ses sens
⊛ Rythmer sa pratique du yoga
⊛ Pratiquer une reconnexion en musique
👥 Public :
⊛ Amateur et/ou initié au Yoga
⊛ 10 à 15 participants
⌛ Durée : 2 Heures