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Systema Solar - Talowa Productions

Systema Solar

Colombia | Electropical

Desde la zona estelar berbenautika : Systema Solar


Systema Solar, or 12 years of electropical madness in Europe!

Let yourself embark once again by the great mix of Systema Solar, at the crossroads of electronic music and the sounds and colors of the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Enter the berbenautika universe where traditional Colombian cultures and sounds (pikós, verbenas ...) merge with contemporaries (hip-hop, house, techno ...) and where committed texts happily rub shoulders with hymns to joy and to the dance.

With a new album "El Futuro Primitivo" scheduled in spring 2022, the Colombian collective is preparing you as usual, an ultra-festive, extravagant and colorful live! All accompanied by their trademark: "handmade" videos at the service of their electropical universe.

Systema Solar was created at the end of 2006 to open the Medellin art biennial MDE07. Systema Solar is a music-visual collective of the Caribbean region of Colombia, its members, coming from diverse territorial and sound latitudes, have found in Afro-Caribbean vibrations a sea of ​​possibilities to enhance the strength and power of music from Colombia. Its seven members have skills that range from percussion to video installation, singing and DJing. John Primera, Indigo, Pellegrino, Daniboom, Pata de Perro, DJ Corpas and Andrew come together to create, adapt and reinvent music, all without losing the essence of their respective cultural roots. The aim of the collective is to create music-visual shows with their own style that they call "Berbenautika", inspired by the tradition of the pikós (sound systems) and the verbena (popular festival). Its crewmembers gather to create, adapt and reinvent improvised music with a strong emphasis on the cult of dance and joy. They recreate La Cumbia, El Fandango, La Champeta, El Bullerengue among others, mixing them through electronic tools with rhythms and cultural styles such as Hip Hop, House, Techno, Break Beats, Scratching and live video.

As of 2010, the collective has experienced major success, and is named the best group of the year in Colombia. With "Systema Solar" (2009), "La Revancha Del Burro" (2014) and "Rumbo A Tierra" (2016), the group has three albums to its credit, with many hits and multiple collaborations. Systema Solar combines content, melodies and lyrics, joy, social and environmental demands with an unprecedented festive energy, as on tracks "la Rana", "Somos La Tierra", "Rumbera", "Mi Caribe", "El Amarillo" etc., offering a strong heritage to world music. The Canal 13 channel also devotes a documentary to him "Systema Solar Una Decada de Fiesta Berbenautika" (2017) where it presents him as having contributed to the emergence and development of new Colombian sounds.

Systema Solar's stage experience is as much musical as it is visual with unique costumes and scenographies. Because if the collective is of course attached to musical production, it also focuses on video production, a second activity allowing it to embellish its shows with a festive energy in a colorful and extravagant universe. Systema Solar breaks free from traditional codes and takes the crowds to an irrepressible desire to dance!

Revealed in Europe in 2010 on the TransMusicales de Rennes (FR), the group has since spread its style on the stages of the biggest festivals such as Nuits d'Afrique (CA), Paleo (CH), Sziget (H), Glastonbury (UK) ), Titimar (Mar), La Mar de Musicas (SP), Roskilde (DK), Summerjam, Fusion (DE), Couleur Café (BE), Vieilles Charrues, Eurockéennes (FR) etc.

Since 2019, the collective has unveiled singles such as "Carnavalera" with Bomba Estéreo, a great tribute to the strength of Carnival, "Es el Amor" declaration of permanent state of love, "El Vacile" with which they want to reinforce that link that makes us like a spice and that keeps us in this Universe, or "Guaguancore", a real cry of resistance and dignity and with which he commemorates the day of Afro-Colombianity.

Systema Solar is also releasing the deluxe album "11 Son 11" to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the album "Systema Solar". It includes new versions of tracks with Colombian artists like Puerto Candelaria on "Mi Kolombia" or Elkin Robinson and Grace Padilla on "El Amarillo" or Aterciopelados on "En Los Huesos". In parallel Systema Solar is working on the release of its fourth album "El Futuro Primitivo" scheduled for 2022!

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